So… a little about us. The three boyos of Neckback Industries.

We have Nik who has known Ian since 2011 and met through Ian’s father; he is the brains of the Neckback operation and a font of ideas. Master butcher, top father and one hell of a shot.

We have Christian who is the real shooter of the group; he can spark a cig, answer the phone and fold a pigeon all at once. He is a depot manager for a agricultural equipment supplier, keen golfer and a great friend and gent.

Then we have Ian; the slight rogue but all-round top guy. Tractor driver extraordinaire and an even better welder. The leader of an ever-expanding pack of dogs that includes the current top-goose-dog, Amber.
On a trip up to Findhorn in 2022 we vaguely talked about starting a brand after watching some American duck hunts on You Tube… normally if we are to go out round home (East Yorkshire) the message is normally “we going neckbacking”? On this trip while driving past a field of pinks in Scotland the name Neckback Industries shot out like a bout of tourettes and thus the name was born!
In Feb of ’23 The company-baby was born, thanks to Nik and who planned it to be a surprise for Christian and Ian however Ian found the Neckback account on TikTok which ballsed that up. Neh mind.
So really this is just a fucking huge adventure between three best mates who absolutely love going out shooting and chasing geese and have a blast along the way.
Yes we have blank mornings, christ we have had blank weeks away and we have recently had some of the best outings people could only dream of but one thing stays constant throughout the highs and lows of this wildfowling foray and into the unknown of socials and merch… The bantz is absolute 🔥🔥